World’s Highest “The Beipanjiang” bridge opens to traffic in southwest China

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worlds highest bridge

The Beipanjiang Bridge is suspended over 1,854-foot gorge above the Chinese Beipan River  opened to automotive traffic on Thursday as well as the Bridge becomes the highest bridge of its kind in the world.

The World’s highest bridge takes three years the cost of £ 114 million to build which connects two remote Chinese provinces Yunnan and Guizhou. The 565m-high structure stretches for more than half kilometers and having four lanes for traffic, will minimize the journey time between Xuianwei and Liupanshui from five hours to two over the Beipan River.

The 0.83 mile-long four Lane Bridge in southwest China has added the country’s impressive mega structure collection and gains the first rank in the World’s highest bridge list. The bridge is become the part of 2,115 mile Hangrui Highway which is linking the Hangzhou to China-Myanmar border. Although the bridge’s construction finished on 10th September 2016 but it is not opened to automotive traffic  since 29 December 2016.

Anyone who wishes to cross the world’s highest bridge over the Beipan River must have a brave enough to do so as it is  565 meters above a gorge. The £ 114 million Bridge has designed by a team of Chinese Engineers that completed the impressive mega structure in three years.

China not only bags first rank in World’s highest bridge according to BBC news but also the home for second and third highest bridge as well.  However, China  has several other record-breaking bridges including World’s longest Sea Bridge completed in 2011, World’s Tallest and Longest Bridge finished early in 2016 and the Undulating Red Lucky Knot Bridge also included in the impressive mega structure China’s collection.

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