Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment For Different Types Of Allergies

Estimated read time 3 min read



Allergy is a sensitivity disorder of the immune system that arise due to intake of some specific substances such as pollens, food, medicine, or drug. Allergies are classified on the basis of their causes. They can be treated at a faster rate, knowing the specific symptoms and appropriate treatment.


Food Allergy

  • Pertinently, this type of allergy is caused due to some specific ingredients in the food which may be reactive to the digestive system.
  • There is a wide variety of food available; hence various kinds of allergies are diagnosed by the doctors.
  • Seafood and particular fruits are the most probable foods to cause food allergy.
  • Instantaneous symptoms of this kind of allergy include itching in the mouth, breathing with enhanced effort with the use of accessory muscles, and difficulty in swallowing.
  • After the intake of vulnerable food, symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, stomachache, and diarrhea are most plausible.
  • The elementary way of treating food allergy is to abstain from eating foods that were formerly diagnosed as the pertinent causes of disease.
  • Alternatively, medications can be used to cure this allergy.
  • A doctor’s consultancy is the chief step to prevent and treat food allergy and should be done before taking any sort of medication.

Nasal Allergy

  • This allergy is caused by inhaling dust mites, tree pollen, animal dander, smoke, detergents, fragrances, etc.
  • This allergy is also named as pet allergy and indoor allergy, so it is better to identify its certain cause.
  • A casual symptom of nasal allergy is a runny or stuffy nose.
  • To avoid teary eyes and stuffy nose, stay away from the allergy triggers. In case, these allergy initiators are unknown, allergist consultancy is then essential.


  • However, it is impractical to stay away completely from allergy triggers, but exposure to them can be reduced substantially by staying at home when pollen rate is high and using hand sanitizers after playing with cats and dogs
  • Sinus Pressure is another symptom of nasal allergy. The building of mucus at sinus can cause severe pain and pressure.
  • Using moist cloth on the face, saline nasal spray, and inhaling steam can help to prevent sinus pressure.
  • Nevertheless, a neat, uncluttered environment is the best way to prevent the early stages of this kind of allergy.
  • Doctor’s prescribed inhalers and tablets can also be used in severe cases.

Skin Allergy

  • Skin allergy is caused by particular materials such as latex and jewelry that come in contact with the skin.
  • Rashes, hives, swelling, cracking, and blistering of the skin come under the category of symptoms of skin allergy.
  • The conventional method of avoiding all kinds of allergies, medicated creams, and lotions, can be specifically used to cure skin allergy.
  • Inhalant dermatitis, atopy skin disease, etc are other names for skin allergy.
  • However, pets are also vulnerable to skin allergy just as humanoids.
  • Skin conditions are caused by pets when they are targeted by this disease.
  • Food allergy often gives rise to skin conditions in pets. In specific, protein is the triggering agent for this type of skin condition.


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