Corona Pandemic: Sioux Falls Mayor Presented Challenge Coin to a Driver For His Work

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Sixous Falls Mayor Challenge Coin

Sioux Falls, South Dakota: Mayor Paul TenHaken has presented a special challenge coin to a drive to recognize his work during the Corona pandemic.

Matt Henkelman is an ordinary man (now, a hero) and a driver who lives in Sioux Falls. During the Corona pandemic when a lot of people are afraid of being exposed to the virus, it’s Matt Henkelman who worked for the most vulnerable population in Sioux Falls.


During the pandemic, it is difficult for many to pick up vulnerable people in your car and bring them to the testing center. But Matt Henkelman did this and he did it on the daily basis even on the weekends. Not only this, but he also offered his service to transport the people who need to be tested or who wanted to go to the recovery centers.

Even if anyone wants to go to some location to quarantine himself this brave man provided his services of pick and drop to these people. He himself was at high risk of being exposed to this virus.

The Mayor of Sioux Falls decided to recognized the efforts of Matt Henkelman and he personally meet him and presented a special challenge Coin.

What is a Challenge Coin?

A challenge coin is a small coin that represents the membership of some institute. These are not like the currency coins. Challenge coins were used as proof of the membership when asked.

State agencies like the Military and Police often use these coins to recognize their special members as well for their good work.

Challenge coins are made in different sizes by the different organizations and they give their coins to selected members only. On the Government level, these coins are also presented to foreign delegations as well as a gesture of peace and in good faith.


What are Challenge Coins Used For?

As I said earlier challenge coins are used by different state agencies and even the state departments. Like military, police, education department, fire brigade, federal and local government uses challenge coins for different purposes.

With that, some organizations and local companies use the custom challenge coins as well. They design their own challenge coins in order to use them for different purposes.

Here are some uses of the custom challenge coins:

  • Recognizing Employees: Many companies have their own custom challenge coins to recognize the hard work and dedication of their employees. These coins are handed over to only those employees who worked for the betterment of the company.
  • Marketing: Custom challenge coins are also used for marketing as these could be memorable giveaways. Some companies send their custom challenged coins to their loyal customers. It helped them in marketing their products as well.


  • Recognizing Social Services: NGO’s or even the local governments use challenge coins to recognize the social work of their citizens or small companies. Like in this case, the Mayor presented the challenge coins on the behalf of the local government to Matt Henkelman.
  • Awarding Students: Different schools and universities also use these custom challenge coins to appreciate their student’s work.

There are a lot more uses of the challenge coins in various companies, private and government institutes, at the government level, and even in international events.

If you need to get your own custom challenge coins, you should check different color options, metal to use options, and different custom design options as well for your custom challenge coin.


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