5 Important Features to Consider When Buying a House

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Features to consider while buying a house

So finally, you have decided to buy a new house for you and your family. Now you might be looking for different houses available in your area and you might discuss the feature of the house every day with your family.

Well, it is a good thing to get a house with mutual understanding with the life partner and with the kids as well. You should involve every person who is supposed to live in the house.

But, I would recommend that while you discuss the different things with family, don’t ignore these 5 features. You must consider these 5 features as well before you make the final decision of buying a house.

Don’t Ignore These 5 Features while Buying a House

Without wasting time, let’s start discussing the 5 most important features before finalizing the deal of a house:

Location of the House

Obviously, you do consider the location of the house. You already have noticed that what are the distances of different areas where you frequently visit from the location of the house.

For example, you have checked how far is the school as it matters for the kids. You also have concerns about the nearest shopping mall, playground, places of worship, and a gym for the workout as well.

If you already have noted these things, then it is good enough. But one last thing that many buyers ignore in excitement is the surrounding houses of your new house. Yes, I mean the neighbors.

You should spend some time meeting with the neighbors and try to figure out that how they are. If your neighbors are not good or they have some criminal records then no need to buy that house no matter how good is that.

No. of Bedroom

Most of the time people prefer a house that has sufficient bedrooms for the family. You need 1 bedroom for yourself, 1 for the parents and 1 for the kids as well.

But you should consider the age of the kids as well. If they are grown up and now they require separate bedrooms in a few years, then look for a house that has extra bedrooms.

If you do so, it will also help you in adjusting your guests when you have to invite them to different parties and functions.

Age and Condition of the House

While buying a house, it is very important and you can’t get an exact idea yourself. You need to ask some best buildings inspection team about this. Only an expert home inspector can tell you the estimated age of the house. Remember that 40 years is the average age of a house and after this age, it is not suitable to live in.

If you are looking for a house that is constructed just recently then it is not of your interest, but if you are not looking for a recently constructed house, then make sure that its age should not be more than 20 years. If it is more than 20 years and up to 30 years, they ask the buildings inspection team about how much you need to invest in the structure to keep the house safe for you and for your family.

No. of Bathrooms and Kitchen Layout

Just like you consider no. of bedrooms, you should also consider the no. of bathrooms as well. If every bedroom has an attached bathroom that is good. With that, you need an additional bathroom for the guests in the guest room as well.

One more bathroom in the backyard would be a plus. With quantity also consider the size and style of the bathroom as well. Whether you need a bathtub in the bathroom or not? Even if there is no bathtub then inspect it carefully that is it feasible to install a new bathtub in the same bathroom or not?

If you do consider these things at the start, you might save your money on home renovation after you buy it.

Sam way, consider the layout of the kitchen. Kitchen cabinets are the most important parts because you need extra space for storage. The style and structure of the kitchen cabinets must be considered.

Apart from the kitchen cabinets, you should look if there is sufficient place for the kitchen appliances like microwave oven, refrigerator, stove, and other such things or not. Consider all these things while preparing your checklist for buying a house.

Water Supply & Electricity System

Many buyers ignore the plumbing system and the water supply system. You should carefully notice that if the seller took proper maintenance of water tanks or not? If there was not maintenance of water tanks then it might have problems and might have already destroyed the structure on the roof.

Look for any plumbing leaks all in the house including bathrooms, showers, toilets, kitchen, garden, hidden plumbing in the wall, and so on.

Check all the power switches and electrical wiring. Turn on and off all the electric switches and make sure that they are working perfectly. Check for the cooling and heating system in the house as well.

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