Two successive blasts have shaken the port capital of Lebanon that is Beirut. Beirut explosions have killed more than 100 people while around 4000 people have serious wounds. Red Cross, along with other rescue services, is taking part in rescue operations.
To date, we don’t know the exact reason for Beirut explosions and whether it is an incident or a preplanned attempt to destabilize peace in the region. There were two successive explosions with the second one resembling a nuclear blast.
After the first blast, fire exploded with clouds of smoke covering the area. People started to make footage and it is the same time, the second blast broke out. The second blast was so strong that it was felt in Cyprus, which is more than 100 miles away from Beirut.
What Caused these Explosions?
Officials are saying and Lebanese Prime Minister confirmed that there were 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate in those safe houses near the port. The explosive material was there for around six years with little safety measures.
The first blast may be an incident or a mistaken fire. However, soon the fire spread and came in contact with ammonium nitrate that was stored therein a large quantity. This caused the second, even deadly explosion. In the footages, you can see the mushroom clouds that are the sign of an atomic explosion.
The Lebanese Prime Minister said that he is shocked that so much explosive material was present close to the city. The area where the explosive material was present contain little population and because of this, there were fewer casualties than expected.
Impacts of Beirut Explosion
Beirut was the center of civil war that lasted for 15 years from 1975 to 1990. It emerged victoriously and developed itself and started to attract a large number of tourists recently. With around 80% of city hotels not in the condition to live, this blast will be a great setback to Lebanese tourism and the economy as a whole.

This is Kyle Thomas, a professional writer, and a news editor. I started my career as a blogger who writes on various topics and then I decided that I should join a NEWS agency where I can work as a NEWS reporter. So, I joined a renowned agency in the town as an internet and after getting 2 years of experience, now I am working as a senior NEWS reporter for The Daily NEWS Times.